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In Chủ đề trước Tiếp theo

New Architecture and Technology

[Lấy địa chỉ]
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New Architecture and Technology.rar (7.65 MB, Lượt tải về: 39) . `: k. z9 N# }% g9 D
1 Trends in architecture 1
5 i! d: r# n8 B3 N1.1 An overall survey 12 P# v0 u% W* ^/ p
1.2 Stylistic trends in new architecture 108 H" u! }/ z/ z. ]) F+ j( g
1.3 Post-war regional survey 17
  z( d" L2 f- y) N! TBibliography 291 B: X) V; C9 ^, X* g9 G6 f
2 The impact of technological change on building materials 31
8 Q% @2 Q- D+ _3 R9 a2.1 General considerations 31
1 v( h7 V, N0 y( ~+ y2.2 Timber 345 J6 R) g* `+ i2 v9 ^' ~
2.3 Steel 35
5 A8 s: Q0 }$ }0 v# N2.4 Aluminum and other metals 37* U5 B: `( h* q9 j7 i
2.5 Brick, stone and masonry 40
4 K2 [1 d8 I' b. z: J2.6 Glass and structural glass 40
6 O2 a3 K' L4 W( z/ H1 i  J9 ~2 g% t2.7 Concrete and reinforced concrete 42% v4 _+ Y% x1 z+ k, k" T9 w. b
2.8 Plastics, fabrics and foils 45/ S. M2 ^  @! m
Bibliography 470 R# W& P6 ~# z+ e8 S, F
3 The impact of technological change on buildings
4 `% Y- K+ I. P. }9 y  b) K8 d5 ~and structures 50' T% W# P: Z, ?  T9 n' d  V
3.1 Some specific design aspects 50
1 t, ^0 \4 O; X6 H5 @) ?8 Q/ }" t3.2 Selected types of building 629 V2 S" l' ^+ K5 L! N& ^7 |
3.3 Structures and components 79: `) G; g6 C8 ?! @2 y+ b$ Y# v* @! f
Bibliography 88
) M9 j; U3 F9 s% c4 The impact of technological change on services 91
. [* M4 m3 x; c2 }: K3 P4.1 Ambience and services 91
7 H* e$ O% S! x$ |% s+ [4.2 Climate and energy conservation 91
! u' d* g5 }) v. d4.3 Human comfort, health and performance requirements 962 @6 a8 X, J4 v9 x! {9 P
4.4 Heating, ventilating, air-conditioning (HVAC) 965 X: {# k" Y2 E
4.5 The lighting environment 99
" W, M2 i- Q; w& M& e4.6 The sound environment: acoustics 1045 _/ w! r, P; l
4.7 Revolution in the technology and control of services 105
1 p  ^+ f( U& f6 b$ m4 {2 q8 HBibliography 107
9 }4 U0 z5 {; z4 H- \0 @5 The impact of invisible technologies on design 110
: F" n' J: ?9 F, S9 p5.1 Some general considerations 110, j! w/ w, |' Q7 B
5.2 The changing image, knowledge and cooperation of architects 1102 P  y$ j, V* V% `8 }) k
5.3 Fire engineering design 1132 T' f+ V/ Y/ P3 _5 P' C
5.4 New methods in structural analysis – design for seismic areas 113
  D0 M! R1 F$ q  ~& I# g. e5.5 Heat, moisture and air quality affecting architectural design 116
8 ?8 A" _& \/ I. |" W# w5.6 Technical systems of buildings: ‘system building’ 1183 I- a5 ~4 {7 {( [8 {! h1 L
5.7 Computers in architecture and management 119
" j8 a. P  ~) x; v7 Z: n5.8 Architecture and industrialization of construction 120( P) ~/ t# S# g! T4 c( @
5.9 Management strategies 1210 ]" Q# C1 u+ B# `# Z0 a
Bibliography 123- r( \, _9 J/ _8 g+ g8 F
6 The interrelationship of architecture, economy,6 m$ Z. ^4 ], l6 I. \7 n
environment and sustainability 125
% i0 f6 _: W$ ~  }) t6.1 Urban development 125
' P5 a  U$ {! i+ c- ~. v( K0 e6 J6.2 Economy 1295 ~- b: ~4 y: A3 u
6.3 Environment 130- I; c+ c3 b' h- D. s( X# D
6.4 Sustainability 131+ o6 D( ~5 `* x, ]4 ]5 d
Bibliography 136, h+ A  R  S, `6 N: g! w
7 Architectural aesthetics 138; c" T" _' i& t4 w, m6 b2 n6 P
7.1 Introduction 138' H$ l* a8 q! O! ^1 H; E- s7 Z
7.2 Size, scale, proportion 142
( T4 ?3 M# A4 ~6 o7.3 Geometry 143
, E& r* m1 i$ g1 H% X7.4 Recesses, cavities, holes, canted/slanted lines and planes 145- V: c7 B" n$ N
7.5 Colour, light and shadow 1465 d# h( p2 j" P: p
7.6 Articulation 148/ `, Y; ^6 K* X& v1 G
7.7 Theory and praxis 149
9 H$ d0 P3 t0 H4 ]Bibliography 149) G0 y5 E2 r# \- S) e& Z
8 The price of progress: defects, damages and failures 151, D4 ?1 M3 R9 T6 j8 |3 D* ?
Bibliography 155' H6 X2 W) c* e* f  k9 _. J
9 Conclusion 156% f6 v/ e1 ?- j  Z, Z$ f0 k# `* e2 q
Bibliography 156
- B  ]) o# ~- [0 q. j; T0 U# J/ e) Z# p8 |! o1 n XÂY TÂM, DỰNG TẦM CHUYÊN NGHIỆP


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